Spirituality is never static though religiosity can be. It changes continuously as we grow and as we encounter different people and situations and God   in our life. This is more true when we arrive at midlife.

Mid life is the beginning of the second half of our life. At this stage our inner self invites us from breadth to depth of life. Many things that made sense to us now begin to be of less importance. This leads towards deep confusion and we don’t understand what is happening to us. God who was very close and personal to us becomes distant. Spiritual practices which nourished us become tasteless. Friends fall off like dry leaves leaving us with a very few inviting us to deep intimacy with those few. All these happen calling us to say good-bye to many things and persons we treasured. Old hurts which we managed to put a lid on, come up with vengeance. Sexuality comes back more alive at this stage embarrassing us.

The course will deal with all the above issues mentioned that happens at midlife and later. The course will help us to understand and accept and integrate the new happenings. It offers a spirituality that makes deeper sense.

You are welcome for this adventurous journey of your life.

Venue: Satyodayam (Jesuit Retreat Centre), 12-5-33, Vijaypuri Colony, Secunderabad 500 017, Telengana State.

The Age Limit of the participants: 35 and above

Maximum Number of Participants: 15

Dates: 09 – 13th September 2019 (5 full days). Arrival on the previous day evening.

Fees: Indian Rs.3,000/- including board, lodging and the tuition fees.

 Admission Policy: First come first served.

Contact: Mobile & WhatsApp: 09133255690.

Email IDs: mkrajsjap@gmail.com (personal)

Your Brother at your service, Fr. M. Kulandai Raj Sj, Programme Director

Our website: http://andhrajesuitprovince.org

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