Bicentenary Celebrations of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus
- 21st September, 2013– A seminar is conducted for the religious and the Priests of the Arch- Diocese of Hyderabad on “Jesuit contribution to the church in Andhra Pradesh”
- 4-6th October 2013 — South zone seminar on “ Lay Collaboration” for all the lay collaborators in our institutions(from four different states)
- 23rd November 2013– A seminar for all the lay collaborators working in all our institutions on “Jesuit contribution to the Church in Andhra Pradesh”
- 18th January 2014 – Province renewal programme
- 19th January 2014– Province Pilgrimage to OLERU- Society’s Mission in the Pre- Suppression era.
Coming events……………………
- 29th March 2014– Province Assembly on “ Renewal of Province Structures in the Service of Universal Mission”
- 30th March 2014– Golden Jubilarians’ Day
- 10th April 2014 at 5.30 pm Final Vows of Fr.Amala Acokiaraj and Pasala Balashowry
- 31st May 2014 New Provincial’s taking over at Satyodayam, Secundrabad Mass at 10.30am.
Coming Events………………
16th July 2019 Final Vows of Fr. Thumma Lourdu at Loyola Academy
27th July 2019 Final Vows of Fr. Peram Peter at Jeevalayam, Vinukonda