We were all once an impressionable child – who had to adapt to her surroundings and find a way to fit in.
Ideally we had good enough parents who met most of our needs in a satisfactory way. But even the most well-meaning parents can make mistakes, and leave a child feeling that their self-worth is conditional upon doing and being what was acceptable and expected of them.
Perhaps this resonates with you, and you now realise that you’ve been left with a weakened self-concept, unclear boundaries and a tendency to wear a mask and take care of everyone else’s needs.
Maybe you’ve been feeling that you’re just ‘going through the motions’ and have lost touch with your own identity and needs… and you’re missing out on fun and passion in your life.
For too many of us the parenting and childhood we had was far from good enough, and we can then find our adult life and relationships a constant struggle too.
Early emotional wounds are very pervasive – especially if there was ongoing emotional or physical trauma – and they continue to give us pain, and to bleed into all areas of our lives.
Healing our Inner Child includes healing our negative conditioning, the trauma held in our bodies, releasing the labels we’ve been living with, and reclaiming our voice and vibrant personality that should never have been squashed or silenced.
Our inner child’s emotional wounds came not only from what we got and what happened to us – but also from what we didn’t get or experience.
The healing process starts with reconnecting with our Inner Child, and becoming re-acquainted with her embodied feelings – which may have been buried and hidden away, as a way of coping.
As we help to heal her emotional wounds we start to make peace with the past – which allows more freedom, authenticity and spontaneity in the future.
You may then feel that you want to take the next step (and workshop) of being able to play, create, share and celebrate – and become free and to give and receive the love and joy you deserve!
Venue: Satyodayam (Jesuit Retreat Centre), 12-5-33, Vijaypuri Colony, Secunderabad 500 017, Telengana State.
The Age Limit of the participants: 25 –60
Maximum Number of Participants: 15
Dates: 29th July – 3rd August 2019 (6 full days)
Fees: Indian Rs. 3,600/- including board, lodging and the tuition fees.
Admission Policy: First come first served.
Contact: Mobile & WhatsApp: 09133255690.
Email IDs: mkrajsjap@gmail.com (personal)
Your Brother at your service, Fr. M. Kulandai Raj Sj, Programme Director
Our website: http://andhrajesuitprovince.org