The long cherished dream of Fr. Balaiah, to have a Tribal Mission in the forest of Bhadrachalam, became to a reality in June 1993. Most Rev M. Joji, th Bishop of Khammam at that time blessed and Fr. A.X.J. Bosco, Provincial, inaugurated the tribal mission in a rented house in Eduguralapalli of Chintoormandai, Khammam District. Fr. T. Balasamy and Schs, Raju and V.S. George formed the pioneering team of the Tribal Mission. In 1994 the people of Katukapaili gave 9 acres of land and invited the team to begin the activities there. Thus Loyola Integrated Tribal Development Society (LITDS) was shifted to Katukapalli in June 1994. The sisters of St. Ann of Luzern joined LITDS to take up medical programme in August1994. The education programme began in a small thatched shed with 35 boarders in June1995. The sisters went around the villages distributing medicine to the sick tribes covering around 55 villages. Though the tribes ran away from them in the initial stages, the love and compassion of the sisters won the hearts of the tribes slowly. CRS Hyderabad came with mother and child health programme by distributing bulgar, oil and S.B powder to the pregnant ladies and 0 to 5 age group children in October 1996. This programme paved the way to organize women in to self-help Groups later on. In 1997 the sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga from Pondicherry joined the team but their stay was limited to only one year. In 1998 Fr. Peter Daniel took charge of the mission and along with him came the Sisters of St. Ann of Phirangipuram. Their presence ushered in lot of activities especially in organizing women groups.
LITDS is one of the tribal welfare and development society of Jesuits in Andhra Pradesh. It serves the tribal population who are vulnerable of poverty, hunger and disease. The ultimate purpose of LITDS is to enable the tribal people to enjoy the fruits of integral development through various services by the Jesuits in collaboration with other religious staff, lay staff, animators and teachers in the villages and the hamlets. Since these tribes are victims of marginalization their settlements are in the interior and remote areas. Hence the tribes of this area lack all the basic needs. Hence Jesuits have selected this region as field working area to implement programs in networking with others. GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION: Katukapalli is 34 kms away from Bhadrachalam. Bhadrachalm is located at 120 km away from Khammam, in Khammam District. It is beyond Godavari river. There are eight tibal mandals namely, Wazeedu, Venkatapuram, Charla, Dummugudem, Bhadrachalam, Kunavaram, V.R. Puram and Chintoor. From the beginning our operation location is in four mandels namely Chintoor, V.R. Puram, Kunavaram and Bhadrachalam. This area is covered with hills and thick forest . The boundaries of these four mandals are Chattrigrah and Orissa in the Eastern direction. FOUNDATION OF LITDS: The long cherished dream of Jesuits in Andhra Pradesh to have a Tribal Mission in the forest of Bhadrachalam came to a reality in 1992. It was started at Eduguralapalli of Chintoor Mandal, Khammam District, Andhra Pradesh. In 1993 the people of Katukapalli gave 9 acres of land and invited the team to begin the various developmental activities there. Thus Loyola Integrated Tribal Development Society (LITDS) was shifted to Katukapalli. Since then is a collaborative venture by the Jesuits of Andhra Province. VISION “TOGETHER WITH TRIBES TOWARDS LIBERATION” MISSION EDUCATION, HEALTH, EMPOWERMENT AND ENVIRONMENT PROJECT IMPLEMENTORS: Jesuit Province Society, Hyderabad. METHOD AND APPROACH: Participatory approach, Involvement of both religious and the laity, People oriented and people centred, Lay and religious collaboration. REGISTRATION: Registered as LOYOLA INTEGRATED TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY (LITDS) REGD. NO. 1601/96 NAME OF THE TRIBES: This area is predominantly inhabited by the Koya, Kudhu Koya and Konda Reddies. Koyas have settled here long before in the plain area near the road point. Konda reddies too have migrated from other states and occupied the hilly areas. The Gothu Koyas are displaced tribes from other states and settled in the interior forest since they do not get any place near the road point. Goal : Integral development of tribal community
Fr. Paul Amalraja M SJ is the superior of the Katukapalli Mission
Fr. Kakarla Yesuratnam SJ is the Director of LITDS, Minster, Treasurer and Correspondent of the Arrupe High School.
LITDS, Katukapalli, Edugurallapalli po,
Nellipaka Via, Khammam Dt-507129
Tel:jes Res : 08743-216350
Tel:Convent : (08743)216351