When St. Patrick’s, as an institution, saw the light of day in 1911, it roped in merely 35 students! Rev. Fr. H. Colli, would be pleasantly surprised to see his tiny school in all its growth and grandeur today! Like all pioneers, he capitalised on every situation. So, in the very year of its foundation, he sent up his first batch of students for the Madras Middle School Certificate Examination! To this very day the telephone directory refers to the institution thus: “St. Patrick’s European High School, Secunderabad”, because it was registered under the supervision of the Inspectress of European Schools, Madras.
In 1918, the nurserysection was started. In this way, the boys from their tender years began to acquire a sense of belonging, as they captured a camaraderie and the esprit de corps of St. Pat’s.
In 1936, St. Pat’s was handed over to the Brothers of St. Gabriel. Rev. Bro. Eugene became the Rector and Principal of the institution. To Rev. Bro. Baptist goes the honour of introducing the house-system, which to this day is in vogue and evokes a healthy competitionin every student’s life at all levels! Significant growth in St. Pat’s took place in 1948 when Rev.Bro. Marcel was in charge of the institution. The rolls now stood at 397. With the advent ofthe new Headmaster, Rev. Bro. Ambrose, in 1952, regular sports meets were held. St. Pats already emerged cricket champions in the interschool competition. Once again, the management of St. Pat’s changed hands in 1956. Rev. Bro. Stephen handed over the institution to the diocese. Msgr. Alfred Fernandez was appointed Principal. He discontinued the Cambridge curriculum and exams, and opted for the HSLC.
When Rev. Fr S. Arulappa was appointed Archbishop of Hyderabad, his long associationwith the Jesuits since his Kandy Seminary days and his fond brag: ‘Tm more Jesuit than most Jesuits”, tugged at his heartstrings! So, in 1973, he formally invited the Jesuits to his archdiocese and handed over to them St. Patrick’s High School, Secunderabad. The Regional Superior, the Regional Treasurer, and Fr. M. Deasia, the Principal, set up the first Jesuit community in the twin cities. The school, at first, was leased for a period of five years (1973-78). Subsequently, the lease period was extended to 25 years, and eventually the lease ran to 99 years. Today, however, the whole school – lock, stock and barrel belongs to the Society of Jesus.
Fr. Vatti Joji SJ is the superior and Correspondent of St. Patrick’s High School.
Fr. A Elango SJ is the Principal of St. Patrick’s High School.
Fr. Buchupalli Naveen Xavier SJ is the Vice-Principal and Minister
St.Patrick’s High School
9-1-132/136, Sebastian Road
Secunderabad – 500003
Tel: Res:040-27700998
Tel : Prin : 040-27700998
Tel : Off : 040 – 27701915
Mail : patcommunity@yahoo.com
Web : www.stpatrickshighschool.edu.in