JPS Organized Treasurers Meet

JPS organized treasures meet from 16th to 17th at Satyodhayam. The two-day intensive workshop was aimed at training our treasures in the counts keeping and financial planning. Fr. Alex of the Hazaribag province was the resource person. There were around 41 Jesuits participated in the workshop. At the inaugural mass, Father Provincial invited all of us to be faithful servants of the Lord. Fr. Alex informed all of us that as Jesuits we have two identities as religious persons and as members of registered bodies of our institutions. He reminded all of us that we are responsible twice and therefore we need to be vigilant in knowing the laws prescribed by the state which demand a lot of accountability from the part of registered bodies. He also touched upon the role of superior, treasure, and minister in the community. With his vast experience, he cleared all the doubts that emerged during the sessions.
Fr. Philips Memorial - St.Patrick's Community Secunderbad

The Memorial mass for Fr. Louis Philip
Dear friends, we have gathered here today this evening, to pray for the departed soul
of Fr. Louis Philip who had been our brother, companion and a friend in the Lord. Fr. Louis
had rendered valuable services in various capacities as the Principal, Correspondent and
superior in Patrick’s campus and in other communities of our province. ‘Those who pursue
till the end will be saved’ says the Holy Scripture. Fr. Philip had lived up to this gospel value
till the very end of his life. He was born on 29 th May 1940 in Tamil Nadu, joined the Society
of Jesus on 17 th may 1958, ordained in the year 19 th March 1972, and made his final vows on
3 rd December 1976. In fact, God had blessed him with a long life of 83 fruitful years and of
which 65 years he lived as a Jesuit priest. In the Year 2022, he had celebrated the Golden
jubilee of his priesthood. He breathed his last-on 4 th June 2023 on Holy Trinity Sunday in
Dindigul, Beschi, Tamil Nadu.
The Society of Jesus had entrusted him various responsibilities to name a few: he was
a vice- principal, principal, superior, correspondent, and student’s counsellor in various
communities. He was also a headmaster in a diocesan school. He had an opportunity to serve
as an associate paster in Carolina, USA. Thanks to St. Patrick’s school where he had rendered
his valuable service for most of his career. ‘Those who sow more will reap more’ says the
Holy Scripture. This is very much applicable in the life of Fr. Philip. The above
responsibilities which he had held remind us that he was an Academician, educationist, an
intellectual giant and an able administrator. As a person he gave himself fully to the pursuit of
excellence by providing high standards of education in our schools where ever he had
worked. He was very knowledgeable regarding the educational scenario of our country. He
had always appointed teachers who are highly committed and efficient. Most of our old
students remember him more particularly because he was a true disciplinarian but at the same
time, very kind and gentle to them. This is one of the reasons why there used to be a heavy
rush for admissions in St. Patrick’s.
The fruit of his hard work for all these years in the education apostolate is very much
seen. It can be seen clearly in the lives of so many students who had passed out from St.
Patrick’s school, and living abroad. Our illustrious alumni fondly remember him year after
year on Nostalgia day only shows how much he is loved by them. Fr. Philip is also fondly
remembered by the staff and students. He had great love for Patrick’s and would always
dream of the development of the school in many respects. He had a great vision and insight
on how to improve our institutions. No doubt he was a great visionary and a pioneer.
One exceptional quality which I had noticed was his love for the poor. He used to help
them and constantly enquire about their children’s studies and their future career. As we
know towards end of his life, he had suffered a lot due to his ill- health. What made him to
endure his suffering was his strong will power.
So, as we have gathered here to pray for the repose of his soul, let us thank the lord
for the gift of Fr. Philip to our mother Society and particularly to our province. His life had
surely shown us how to serve the poor entrusted to our care through our various apostolates
especially through education. ‘A true education is a weapon with which we can change the
world’ said Dr. Nelson Mandela. May we also learn that the joys and sorrows are part and
parcel of everyone’s life and we need to accept them as God’s will? Let us earnestly pray for
God’s mercy upon him in this holy Eucharist. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let
perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace!

Diaconate Ordination - Rome - 2023

The Diaconate Ordination of Thomas Sridhar took place on 11th April 2023 in Chiesa Del Gesu. There were 20 other decons from 16 provinces of the Society of the Jesus.

Gudlavalleru Feast Day - 2023

On 4th June, 2023, the Parish Feast of Gudlavalleru was celebrated solemnly, in a very spirit-filled ambience due to the august presence of Rt Rev Dr Thelagathoti Joseph Rajarao, the Bishop of Vijayawada diocese. He presided over the Holy Eucharist, preached homily elucidating to the faithful the mystery of Trinity and administered the sacraments of Confirmation to 48 children and 2 adults and Holy Communion to 56 children and 2 adults. With the reception of these two sacraments, God's army of witnesses has increased significantly. The recipients wearing the white clothes was a spectacle to behold as they resembled the holy angels with their innocent faces and beaming smiles in their white dresses. There were some 20 priests and 9 sisters from the neighbouring parts of the parish. 10 of these priests were our Jesuits, adding strength to the local Jesuits. More than 1000 people were present for the Holy Eucharist. To prepare the recipients for these two significant sacraments, a camp was conducted at the Parish for 3 days from 31st May to 2nd June.
Sr Lilly and Sr Aruna from the Congregation of Adoration prepared the
children rigorously for these sacraments. Some 85 children turned up for the camp out of which 50 received confirmation and 58 received communion. We express our sincere gratitude to these two sisters who took painstaking efforts in preparing the children for the sacraments and to their Provincial Sister who magnanimously sent them to help the parish. We express our special and sincere gratitude to Rt Rev Dr Thelagathotic Joseph Rajarao, the Bishop of Vijayawada diocese for his kind acceptance of our invitation, for presiding over the Holy Eucharist and for administering the sacraments to our children in a spirit of love and joy. Rev Fr Mathew Neerakkel, the parish priest, left no stone unturned in making the whole event a grand success by his meticulous planning and unstinted and tireless efforts and with the timely assistance from the catechists and the parishioners. The Feast concluded with a sumptuous Agape Meal.
-- Fr Anil Pudota SJ
Province Gathering and Jubilee Celebrations - April 28-29, 2023

We had the Province gathering on 28-29th of April in Loyoal Academy. Fr.Ch.Amar Rao, Fr.Arul Jyothi, Fr.Balakumar, Fr.Chirnjeevi, Fr.Dusi Ravi, Fr.Gopo Kiran and Fr.Sch.O.Pradeep were the stiring commitee members who maticulously planned executed the entire province gathering. On the fisrt we had inauguration of renovated chappel and the Loyola hall by Fr.Provincial and Fr.Roland Coelho SJ the provincial of Goa. On 29th we had Jubilee celebrations of our jubilarians.
Vows Day - 2023

On 21st June, 2023 The Province is blessed to have 9 second year novices who committed to the Lord through the vows.
Heavenly Birth of Fr. Kulandai Sami SJ - 2023

The first death anniversary Mass for the soul of Fr. Mark Kulandai Raj SJ was celebrated on 3rd July in Loyola Academy. About 30 family members of Fr. Kulandai and 20 priests and religious from various parts of Telangana, Andhra and Tamilnadu came to attend the memorial Mass. The Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Fr. Philomin Raj SJ. Fr. Amal Raj SJ and Fr. Amar Rao SJ were the concelebrants. Fr. Sahayaraj SJ, in his homily, recalled the wonderful qualities of Fr. Kulandai and enumerated the great services rendered by him as a formator, spiritual director and counsellor. Some of the family members of Fr. Kulandai shared how his life has touched their lives. They thanked the Loyola Academy community for all the arrangements made for the event. May the soul of Fr. Kulandai Raj enjoy eternal bliss and happiness.
Stan Sami Memorial Day - 5th July, 2023

On July 5th Andhra Jesuit province social action team celebrated Stan Swami Memorial Day along with LITDS-Katukapally. Throughout the day we had many activities to mark the remarkable contributions that Fr. Stan Swami made in the fields of social action and human rights. There were nearly 200 people form 16 villages actively participated in peace rally that went around Katukapally village.
Summer Shapes -2023

Summer Shapes 2023 is being organized by YES-J Centre for exellence, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada.
Another Feather in the Cap

Dr. Fr. Lourdu Raj has been admitted to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Fr. Bala Kumar PEP - Personal Enhancement Programme in LPS, Nallapadu

Fr. Bala has given an orientation to LPS Students on healthy attitudes and universal values