We are organising a two months Programme for Formators at Satyodayam, Jesuit Retreat Centre, Secunderabad. One third of the course is allotted for the personal formation of the formators so that they become internally free to accompany the formees. We have solid inputs for around ten days on different relevant topics. These inputs will not be just theoretical – they will be absorbed through the personal processing of the participants. Then we impart for around twenty days different skills that are essential for the formator. These skills will be learned by doing and intense practicing.
These are the modules we cover:
1. Formation of the Formators: Awareness, Psychosexual Integration, Understanding oneself and the candidates through Enneagram, Midlife Spirituality, Creative Thinking – training oneself to think out of the box through Lateral and 3A thinking, Deep interior Journey through Intensive Journal, Psycho-spiritual Integration.
2. Informational: Spiritual Quotient & Belief systems, Genogram, Spiritual Direction.
3. Training in Skills: Skills in Motivational Clarification, Basic Counselling Skills, Advanced Counselling Skills , Skills in Spiritual Discernment, Spiritual Direction Skills, Skills in conducting a Meeting, Skills in accessing the growth of the formee, Screening Skills.
Resourse Persons: Fr.S.A.Alphonse SJ, Fr.V.M.Amalanathan SJ, Fr. Dudley Mendonca SJ, Sr.Jessy Merlyn SMMI, Fr.ISF Jeyaraj SJ, Fr. Joe Mattam SJ, Fr.Jossie De Mello SJ, Fr.M.Kulandai Raj SJ, Sr.Regina CM, Sr.KVM.Tresa JMJ, Fr.William Sequeira SJ, Br.Yuju Francis SG.
You are welcome to apply for the course!
The dates: 1st of February to 1st of April 2017 (60 full days)
Venue: Satyodayam, Jesuit Retreat Centre, Tarnaka, Secunderabad 17.
Fees: Rs. 30,000/- (Registration fee Rs.1000 which is non-refundable and the fee for the course with boarding and lodging is Rs. 29,000/- Total fee: Rs. 30,000/-)
Age Limit: 30 – 60
Maximum Number of participants is 25.