Report of Youth Apostolate 2011-2014
Andhra Province
Vision of Youth Apostolate:
To prepare the youth to be agents of change, to build a just world, by being informed, enlightened and empowered through the change of mindset. Prepare them to understand and analyze socio-economic-cultural and political front of the society, thereby stimulating the conscience and promote conscientization to bring in social commitment to promote the Kingdom of God (to be men/women for others), in Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic India and Globalized world. There by they become our future collaborators.
Thereby they become our future collaborators in our apostolates.
Contrary to random and impulsive approach, we need to have a long-term systematic approach with spiritual, social, contextual, intellectual, and creative integration. We have to follow praxis of exposure-reflection-involvement-change. It should always have an approach of activism and conscientizing. Networking with individual activists, activist groups within Andhra and outside Andhra. We understand and address the complexity of different
Issues from concerns of Environment, Neo-liberalism, Fundamentalism
Activities of the Apostolate:
(Dec 2011-Jan2014)
- As the Lokpal movement by Anna Hazare and others were forcing the nation to accept the Lokpal Bill, there was a felt need to conscientize the people about its diversions and limitations, so series of inputs were given to the students. In turn, they was a proposal to carry on signature campaign against the Lokpal bill. So, the students of ALC divided themselves into different groups went around different colleges and collected 3000 signatures. A memorandum was also prepared to submitted to the President.
- Leadership camp (Sep 3rd-4th)with the theme, Think to Act-Act to Reform was conducted for all the leadersand other students at AnandaJyothi.
- Social Analysis Workshop was conducted with the theme, Analyse, Arise, Assert. Fr. Eugine Rosario S. J of Madurai Province was main resource person. He is been helped by Frs. Selvin, Amar Rao and Selvin.
- Workshop and Rally(4th-5th) against FDI in Retail was organized in Vijayawada.
- Work camp (27th Dec-1st Jan) was organized in collaboration with VRO, in two of the VRO villages in Nellore Dt based on Ignatian principle of Action-Reflection- Action.
- The film ‘Final Solution’ on Gujarat Riots was screened to mark 10th anniversary of Gujarat Riots on 27th of January
- In the wake of Anti-Nuclear movements, on 6thfeb, debate on Nuclear Energy was conducted at Andhra Loyola College in Vijayawada. Dr. G. Vijayam, Director of Athiest Centre, Vijayawada was one of the speakers.
- Tribal Exposure camp (8th – 14th Feb), ‘Empower’ was organized for the students of Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology at K D Peta, to expose them to the developmental issues of tribals and make them experience the contrast between Mechanized society and Human Society
- After having a comprehensive understanding of Dangers of Nuclear Energy, ten our students expressed their solidarity through 72 hour hungerstrike(19th -21st Apr) at Idinthikarai, epicenter of the anti-nuclear agitation. During our participation, we issued a press release asking the government to meet demands of the people of Koodankulam. During the hunger strike, we also started “Student Movement Against Nuclear Energy”. The exposure to Koodankulam movement helped them to understand, what is leadership and what is a peoples movement?
- Today work shop (9th 10thMay)on Anti-Nuclear Energy was conducted at AnandaJyothi.
- Two dayCampaign(11th-12th May) against Anti-Nuclear Energy was conducted at Lenin Center, Vijayawada. The expenses of the campaign were fully met by the students themselves.
- Three day workshop and campaign on Nuclear Energy was organized at Hyderabad.
- Five of our Students attended a seminar on ‘Sustenance of Local Economy’ organized by NAPM(National Alliance of Peoples Movement) at Hyderabad.
- Ten of our students had a one week exposure (5th – 10th June) to Lokayat an activist group in Pune. During the exposure, they had joined several campaigns and attended workshop on different issues like Globalisation, Indian Economy, Hiking of Petrol prices, Renewable energy, GM foods etc.
- State Council of AICUF was conducted at AnandaJyothi, Nagarjuna Nagar. (14th – 15th July).
- On the eve of the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, on 30th, the film “The Mission” was screened for the catholic students at Andhra Loyola College.
- On the anniversary of bombing of Hiroshima-Nagasaki (6th-9th Aug), expressing the dangers of war, a Peace rally was conducted in Vijayawada.
- On the same day, workshop on the dangers of Nuclear war was conducted for the students of Niramala School was conducted in Vijayawada
- On the same occasion, the next day(7th Aug), bringing out the dangers of Nuclear energy a campaign was conducted at Lenin center, Vijayawada.
- Workshop on Comprhension was organised at Ananda Jyothi, Guntur. The main purpose of this workshop was to provide comprehesive undesrstanding of different issues and develop the ability to speak and write.
- To mark the 1st anniversary (16th) of Peoples Movement Against Nuclear Anniversary and to bring awareness against Nuclear energy, two-day campaign(17th – 18th Aug) was conducted at Sub-Collectorate office and Prakasam Barrage, Vijayawada.
- On teachers day (5th Sep), views of lecturers and Students were collected on “Can Smart education replace real teaching(human teacher) and were displayed on college notice board.
- As there was State sponsored brutal repression and violence on the people of Koodankulam on 10th of Sep, to make people aware of the death of Democracy at Koodankulamthree day campaign (15th -17th Sep), against Nuclear energy was conducted at Vijayawada, Eluru and Guntur.
- Three day (16th -18th Nov) workshop on leadership of women with the theme “Women: Get up and Speak out” was conducted at AnandaJyothi, Nagarjna Nagar
- Lectures on topics; “Sustainable Solution to Energy Crisis”, “Impact of FDI in Retail on Indian Economy”, “Economic Reforms: Are they making India a Super Power?”, “GM Foods: Poisoning Economy and Health” at different colleges and Press Club in Vijayawada, Hyderabad, Tenali
- Two day workshop (1st -2nd Dec) on Indian Economy was conducted at AnandaJyothi.
- Seminar on “Sustainable Solution to Energy Crisis” was conducted at ALIET on 3rd of Dec. Students from ALC and Stella College participated.
- Workcamp was conducted in VRO villages close to Sullurpeta, from 27th – 1st Jan)
- Two day campaign(5th and 6th) was conducted against the atrocities against women and against the dangers of of Nuclear Technology. During the campaign, signatures were collected against the Nuclear Plants, supporting the people’s movement at Koodankulam. B.V Ragavulu, Secretary, CPM and ThurlapatiKutumbaRao were among many who interacted with students and signed the campaign.
- Screening of Film ‘The Motor Cycle Diaries’ was organized at Devaiah Auditorium on 11th of Jan.
- Five students, expressing their solidarity with PMANE, went to Koodankulam and participated in the struggle.
- As the government is getting ready to establish the biggest Nuclear Park at Kovvada, SrikakulamDt and as people are not well informed of the project and as they are divided, AICUF took an initiative to build the consensus in support of renewable energy by through joining the one day fast, exhibition and campaign in the would be affected villages.
- As the parliament was getting ready to pass the BRAI Bill, which promotes GM/GE Foods, in a way that poisons our food, to inform people about the dangers of the Bill, a campaign was conducted at Necklace Road, HYD
- Annaulworkcamp was conducted at Sangameswaram, a VRO village in NagayalankaMandal.
Virtual Presence:
Utilizing the virtual space on Social Networking sites, specially on FB, through different Groups and a Community, students campaign and bring awareness and strengthenthe popular movements. In a way, Students use of virtual space is the changing the ‘face’ of Facebook.
Links on FB (Student Movement Against Nuclear Energy)
Submitted by
Shailendra Boora S J
Province Coordinator for Youth Apostolate