Origin and History of Hindupur Mission
At the invitation of the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Sr N.T. Rama Rao of happy memory, and the then Bishop of Karnool Rt. Rev. Mathew Cheriankunnel to start Social and Educational Apostolates for the benefit of people, Rev. Fr. A. X. J. Bosco, S.J, the first Provincial of Andhra Jesuit Province, sent Rev. Frs. P.S. Amalraj, S.J, and A. Santiago, S.J, to start the Hindupur Misssion as a part of the larger Rayalaseema Mission in the year 1989. Rev. Fr. T. Christuraju, S.J, a veteran Head Master, joined them in 1990. The state government generously donated nearly 70 acres of land in two places to undertake these Apostolates.
The Jesuits started Loyola Telugu Medium School in 1990 besides a number of Social and Developmental works. Later, in 2007, St. Xavier’s College of Education was started on the same campus at the request of the then Chief Minister, Dr Y. S. Rajashekar Reddy of happy memory and an illustrious alumnus of Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada, to give Teacher Education to local people.
St. Xavier’s College of Education, Hindupur (XVHP) is part and parcel of the Loyola Institutions owned by the Jesuit fathers belonging to the International Jesuit Catholic Religious Order known as The Society of Jesus founded by ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA in the year 1540. Such institutions include Loyola Professional Academy, Secundrabad, Andhra Loyola Inter, Degree, P.G. and Engineering College, Vijayawada, Loyola Degree, P.G. and Polytechnic College, Pulivendla, Loyola ever Enterprising College, Chennai, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, St. Xavier’s , Mumbai. Nationally recognized X.L.R.I, Jamshedpur, and a Host of schools and colleges nationally and internationally.
As a Christian Educational Institution, the college comes under the Catholic Diocese of Kurnool and the Bishop is Most Rev. Dr. POOLA ANTONY,D.D. The Diocese covers the district of Kurnool and Anantapur known for the earliest Christian presence in the State and for the missionary works.
The college feels proud to proclaim Lord Jesus Christ not only as the Saviour of mankind, but also as the Master Teacher who would bless every member of the institute now and in the future to be teacher filled with values. The college continually invokes the blessed name of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and all mankind and of St. Francis Xavier, the patron of the Institute.
St. Francis Xavier, S.J. (1506-1552) whose body at Goa by Divine intervention, miraculously remains incorrupt over the centuries, was a Missionary with extraordinary vigour and untiring strength and had walked miles and miles in South India, Moluccas and Japan in search of the poor. HE was the companion cum disciple of Loyola Ignatius and had the singular honour of starting one of this first College in India at Goa. He is Chosen as the patron of this institution in order to evoke a liveliness that would last the life-time of the teacher-to-be. His epic journey of adventure remains a symbol of creative approach in the career of every teacher. His closeness to the poor and the sick will inspire every teacher to care for the very last in the class.
The Principal aim of the institution is to provide professional education in a Christian horizon, to all deserving qualified candidates seeking teaching career. It welcomes students of all religions and communities and will strive to achieve the Jesuit educational goal of ‘forming men and women for others’. In the words of Rev. Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former Superior General of the Society of Jesus, “We aim to form leaders in service in imitation of Christ Jesus, men and women of competence, conscience and compassionate commitment.”
As a prospective teacher I would like to have a broad-based and positive outlook on the world, the Nation, the State and my Neighbourhood. It would help me to appreciate the age-old and varied Traditions and Cultures of every place and to preserve and promote the same. I understand the God-given mission by which I become an instrument of Social Transformation. I pledge to maintain myself in the spirit of ever humble learning and to grow as an ever more active, creative and responsible teacher although.
Mission of the Institute:
It is to implant in every trainee, the core values of the noble teaching profession, to induce them to commit themselves wholeheartedly to the mission of teaching and thus to be life samples to every neighbor.
Fr. K.P. Francis is the Superior and Principal of Loyola English Medium School
Fr. Gogulapati Avinash is the Vice-Principal, and Hostel Warden
Parish – St. Francis Xavier’s Church
It is located at the outskirts of Hindupur town. It comes under the diocese of Kurnool but located in Anathapur district. It is a very small parish but many institutions like Loyola Institutions, Bala Yesu, Angelo I.T.I, Deepthi school, Matha School, Madakasira, St. Annn’s high School, Kadirepally which are run by the Catholics come under this parish. . Regular masses are offered and family visits and family prayers are conducted. Youth and Non Christians also come for the prayer meetings and for Counseling. Faith formation is very much done and faithful are empowered to be agents of social transformation. Popular devotions and movements like Marai dalam, Friday sacred heart, Thursday infant Jesus, Tuesday St. Antony devotions and Lenten diikshas are encouraged. Parish council, youth group and financial councils are very active in the parish.
Fr. M. Selvaraj is the parish priest. The community of the faithful in the parish consists of Tamil, Telugu and Malayalees. There is a sub- station at Madakasira. The Sisters of St. Anne of Luzem came as our collaborators and started a high school for girls. They are doing so much for the poor girls of Madakasira area. They have a hostel to accommodate 100 girls. There is also social apostolate in and around our area as well as in Madakasira, tree-crop loans were given. MCH programmes were conducted and CR5 food distribution was given to the poorest people of the area. We have satellite schools in and around Hindupur. We had these schools in Hindupur, Parigiand Madakasira mandals. We also help the students to study in all the villages by giving a teacher for supervised study.
Fr. M. Selvaraj is the parish priest.
St.Francis Xavier’s Church
Pipe Line Road, Hindupur Mandal
Anantapur – 515201
Loyola High School (TM)
This school caters to the poorest of the poor around Hindhupur within a radius of 10 Km. The parents of the poor childrens are very enthusiastic to keep thier children in our school because of the quality of our education and our option for the poor. This school stood as special school for social transformation, with a special skill in electronic, Tailoring, sericulture, horticulture and poultry farming. We had also satellite in and around Hindhupur. But today we concentrate more on education of the poor children. Father Kundhur Joji is Headmaster of the school. Special classes are aranged for the intellectually backward students. Special coaching classes and study houres are aranged for the 10th class students all through the year very particularly during the time of examination. In order to elevate rulers children into alround personality development we provide different coaching and training programmes and conduct competitions. The fee structure is very low as many students studing in this school are from the poor economic background. Eventhough its a financial burden this school caters to the needs of the our options groups. We have also hostel for the boys studing both in English and Telugu medium school.
Loyola English medium school
Under the leadership of Fr. P. J. Sandanasamy, S.J, Superior, a survey was initiated in the year 2007-2008 to find out the felt needs of villages around Hindupur. The former students of Loyola Telugu Medium School expressed the need for an English Medium School in the changing circumstances. Consequently Loyola English Medium School came into existence in the academic year 2008-2009. Fr. A. Elango, S.J, the Founder Principal, was entrusted with the responsibility of developing this new school into a fully-pledged school in the year 2009. He strived hard to build up the three fold-resources, human, physical and financial. In the year 2010-2011, Fr. Elango got permission and recognition for the High School of the English Medium school. He raised the required funds to put up a school building, which was inaugurated on February 25th, 2012.
The strength of the English Medium School increased rapidly. Hence the need for a second buildind was felt. Accordingly, on January 21,2013, the The Founder Provincial, Fr. AXJ.Bosco, laid the foundation stone for the second building.
Aim: the aim of the school is to train its students in the finest tradition of Jesuit Education, which acknowledges God as the author of all reality, all truth and knowledge.the school aims at the total development of its students imparting to them a sound intellectual formation- which includes a growing ability to reason reflectively, logically and critically- and moulding them into men and women for others with that special love for the poor and concern for justice that will enable them to become leaders in the service of our nation and of the world.
Loyola Boys’ Hostel:
The hostel in the campus is as old as the Telugu Medium. Very poor and rural children are admitted and are accommodated with less fee. It was maintained initially with the help from abroad. Since 2000 it is run on fee collection and some local help. This hostel needs a permanent and a bigger building to respond to the demands. Fr. G. Avinash is the Hostel Warden.
Loyola High School
Loyola Nagar, Kotipi Road
Hindupur – 515211
Anantapur Dt
Tel: Sch(TM) : (08556)226663
sch (EM): 200309